Arrival at Fakarava

Published on 10 April 2024 at 17:35

It's 6:30am, I'm on watch on my own and Fakarava has just come into view. A row of tiny palm trees 🌴 on the horizon! We've been at sea for 4 days now and this group of islands is our final destination before we fly home from Tahiti. Fyi: Fakarava is part of the Tuamoto Archipelago in French Polynesia.


It's been a mixed crossing. Lots of lovely calm seas, steady winds and starry skies and a great view of the solar eclipse 🌒


But also some nasty squalls with torrential rain, strong winds, big waves and a very tippy boat, which has scared the bejesus out of me!


Three months at sea has confirmed I'm a land-lover at heart!! Give me mountains and trees any day.


It's a few hours later now and we're at anchor inside the atoll. Rather magically we were joined by dolpins 🐬 just outside the entrance and they guided us in.


Now it's time to go and explore!


Love to all 😘 Axxx

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Sue Smith
5 months ago

Think I would only like the calm seas and sunny skies!! Tippy boats are def not my thing! But the destination looks like it was worth the journey. Can’t believe your adventure is nearly over - what an experience you’ve had. Your photo album is going to be something else. We’re really looking forward to seeing you when you’re back and hearing all about your adventure xx