We leave St. Lucia onboard Dilema on 13 January, heading for Santa Marta in Colombia, before heading to the San Blas Islands off the north coast of Panama.

We hope to transit the Panama Canal in early February - although there is currently a water shortage reducing the number of times the locks operate each day creating a backlog, and we may have to wait up to a couple of weeks.

We then head to the Las Perlas Islands off the south coast of Panama - there is a carnival in the second week of February which we may make, if we're not delayed too badly at the canal. The first official rendezvous of World ARC is at Las Perlas on 13 February.

We then head to the Galapagos Islands - crossing first to San Cristobal then on to Santa Cruz. We hope to be able to get off the boat to see as much of the amazing wildlife as we can whilst we are there.

We then face a 3000 mile open sea crossing (the longest single leg in the entire circumnavigation) which should take around 3 weeks, arriving at the easternmost islands of French Polynesia. This comprises 121 atolls and islands spread over more than 1200 miles, grouped into 5 archipelagos. We arrive first at Hiva Oa then go on to Nuka Hiva, both in the Marquesas, the easternmost archipelago. The second official rendezvous of World ARC is at Nuka Hiva on 3 April.

We then cruise at our leisure through the Tuamotu archipelago (comprising 80 atolls spread over an area roughly the size of Western Europe) and on to the Society Islands. 

The capital of French Polynesia is Tahiti, and we plan to leave Dilema there when the next crew arrives, around the end of April.