The End!!

We tied up at Taina Marina in Tahiti on Friday afternoon, so have had a couple of days here to get everything sorted which has been great.

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Almost there!!

We've nearly finished! Although Bob's comment 12 hours ago on the previous post that we had reached Tahiti was a tad premature - we're not quite there yet!

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Our last couple of days in the Tuamotus have been pretty special and a nice ending to our trip.

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More time at Fakarava

We're still in Fakarava. We did some more snorkelling at the South Pass (more photos attached) but have now moved to Fakarava village at the North end of the atoll, about 30 miles from where we first moored. 

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Arrival at Fakarava

It's 6:30am, I'm on watch on my own and Fakarava has just come into view. A row of tiny palm trees 🌴 on the horizon! We've been at sea for 4 days now and this group of islands is our final destination before we fly home from Tahiti. Fyi: Fakarava is part of the Tuamoto Archipelago in French Polynesia.

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Back at sea!

As I write this we're just leaving the Marquesas islands and I think they may be my favourite destination so far. Truely dramatic, lush, isolated, friendly islands. I wish we could have stayed longer, there was so much more to explore, see and do.

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Nuku Hiva

We thought Anaho Bay was amazing - until we moved on to Hakatea Bay, which was even more dramatic!

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